A Best of the Web blog


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Cruel Ryan-Care,Tax-Cuts, but Earth Hour Hope

Yesterday a man I did not know approached me and within moments launched into an exposition on the person I refuse to entitle.
     He began with "President," and I thought, 'oh, no, here we go.' Then he began to lecture me about all the "terrific" things our demagogue would do, including tax cuts that would make everyone "rich" because "that's what he said."
     I sighed.
I'm sure this stranger had no idea how much I know on the subject, how educated I am, or what I've accomplished. Most people don't, not even those I know. I'm not usually one to go on about myself, even this much. But he just wanted to tell someone, anyone.
     Anyhow, as I got away, I was thinking about how many loyal supporters agree with him, and my day felt ruined.
     Meanwhile, Rigid Ryan's "health" bill was "log-rolling" through congress, promising to decimate the poor and working class.
     Miraculously, within hours, the bill was pulled. But instead of just sighing relief, those in my camp started gloating and tweeting without thinking what their overt glee could bring.
     And, of course, by morning, he-who-I-refuse-to-name in this post was bragging about coming back with a newer, more "amazing" health bill: that is, after he gives more tax cuts to the wealthy. Did I mention he said "beautiful"?  Maybe for some. But the poor believers?
     Still, even though he has also resumed the Keystone Pipeline conflict here in the US, we try to keep the faith: Don't forget -- Earth Hour today!


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