A Best of the Web blog


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Life Directions

Sometime after I told a friend of mine about my light experience, he went to California. I didn't realize he was looking for an experience like mine until he wrote me a letter about a community he had found that was so beautiful with special people. It took other friends of ours to figure out he had been taken in by the 'Moonies' (Unification Church). He is one of the smartest people I've known, but he had been swept up. But ultimately, after deprogramming, he became involved in humanity-saving endeavors like Bread for the World and he flourished. It reminds me of the differences in our life directions. I once saw an interview with Clint Eastwood in which he said something I never forgot: that we can sense the directions our lives are showing us. Eastwood said he gets to a point then remembers, Oh, this is like that other time, so.... For each of us it's different. But once we have an idea of our path's ways, we can use this sense, this 'information,' to make better decisions. My friend's experience was different from mine.The people he encountered in California acted on their own best interests, but claimed to be saving him if he did what they said: unlike his true friends who rescued him to resume his life.

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