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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

911 - Why Didn't the U.S. Prevent It

In December 2000, I stopped driving and sat in shock at the news that the Supreme Court had just decided George W. Bush was President elect. Vote counting had been going on since the election in which Al Gore won the popular vote, but George Bush, the electoral. 
         When Counter-Terrorism Security began briefing the new administration on threats of terrorism, they didn't take it seriously. Although the Clinton Administration prioritized counter terrorism as a "Tier One" priority, the Bush Administration immediately downgraded it. They were inundated with these constant warnings, and Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor, said, "We decided to take a different track." At one point, President Bush said he was "not going to swat at flies." 
         In July 2001, Condoleezza Rice and President Bush attended the G-8 in Genoa. There, warnings that Islamic terrorists might "crash a plane" prompted the installation of a missile defense system at the airport, which caused mass hysteria. In spite of this, back in the U.S., Condoleezza dismissed Security warnings of planes flying into prominent U.S. landmarks. A video shows her exclaiming,"Who would believe planes flying into buildings?" The 911 Commission confirms that the Bush administration was repeatedly warned of the imminent danger that might include The World Trade Center.

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