A Best of the Web blog


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wilderness 1970s

The August moon was full above us. And the meadow where we walked stretched between towering mountains. Several of us and a woman who held a rope loosely from her horse's neck: a horse that seemed so much one of us, we soon forgot he was any different. 
      We stepped into a large crater left by an ancient meteor and stood there gazing at stars.
      Then they appeared -- as many of them as there were of us -- wild horses silhouetted against the full-moon.
      They stood there silently on the edge of the crater, watching, waiting for him to join them.
      Sometimes they swished a long tail, or stepped forward with one hoof, and then waited again. There in the crater, the horse beside us shifted, ears perked.
      This went on for some time until we started walking again. Then they slowly backed up, still waiting, watching in the same half-circle - just farther away.

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