While U.S. Representatives, former Presidents and the media lambast the President's behavior, another great shift of wealth is slipping through both houses and will soon land on the President's desk where he will definitely sign it, furthering America's vast inequality. This is what "tax reform" is about: this continuing shift of wealth to a select few and indifference to and denigration of the now huge lower middle class and poor.
Needless to say, the President, Senators, and Representatives' great wealth will increase and the estate tax will be eliminated for their heirs. They can conveniently forget poorer citizens - if they ever think of them - including the 37% less affluent who voted for them (the remaining 63% of Trump voters, although less educated, earn far more than $50,000).
There is a greed that comes with unfettered wealth and power: a greed lacking "Give me your tired, your poor." Yet the media and powerful just keep comparing this to the Post WWII 1950's era. But that was a time of upward mobility, which has been irreparably damaged since the 1980's Supply-Side, trickle-down fallacies have permeated the US zeitgeist, and decimated the middle class and struggling poor. US citizens need to contact their representatives before more damage is done.
Middle Class, One Child Taxes Will Increase With Trump's Plan
Guess Who Loses With Trump's Tax Plan
Trickle Down Won't Restore Middle Class
Needless to say, the President, Senators, and Representatives' great wealth will increase and the estate tax will be eliminated for their heirs. They can conveniently forget poorer citizens - if they ever think of them - including the 37% less affluent who voted for them (the remaining 63% of Trump voters, although less educated, earn far more than $50,000).
There is a greed that comes with unfettered wealth and power: a greed lacking "Give me your tired, your poor." Yet the media and powerful just keep comparing this to the Post WWII 1950's era. But that was a time of upward mobility, which has been irreparably damaged since the 1980's Supply-Side, trickle-down fallacies have permeated the US zeitgeist, and decimated the middle class and struggling poor. US citizens need to contact their representatives before more damage is done.
Middle Class, One Child Taxes Will Increase With Trump's Plan
Guess Who Loses With Trump's Tax Plan
Trickle Down Won't Restore Middle Class