A Best of the Web blog


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Minnesota (Spoiler alert)

 I’ve always loved Minnesota. I moved there when I was 7 after three years of Wisconsin big kids pelting me with rocks and ice balls and chanting my unusual name. In Minnesota the people were kind. It was this kindness that stayed with me in spite of quicksand and icy winters. Many of my best and almost childlike stories take place there. I thought of this when I saw the conclusion of the most recent, and in my opinion, best of the Fargo series. (spoiler alert) Juno Temple with her wonderful meerkat face transforms the immortal killer with love and joy. This was not “Minnesota Nice,” not the school board brawlers at the beginning of the recent Fargo, but genuine love unlike any other place I've lived: love like my Norwegian step-grandmother who never yelled or hit anyone. (Note: If you watch the recent Fargo, it still has the violence characteristic of Fargo. But this one is different.)

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